

We have been smitten with senior dogs ever since adopting our beloved Spanky, then aged 10. We had no idea that senior rescue was a thing but it most definitely is. Old dogs are relinquished all the time, mostly through no fault of their own. Owners become sick and no longer physically able to take care of them, the dog’s medical problems make it impossible for owners to take care of them any more, it’s heartbreaking really. Some dogs are lucky enough to spend their whole lives with one family - and they really are a part of that family. They grow old alongside the children or become a beloved companion as their owners age.  

Pug Mix Dog - Cottrell & Co. - CC1_8943.jpg

We absolutely love photographing senior dogs. What a privilege to be able to capture such a special moment in time. Of course all dogs are adorable, you can’t beat the cuteness of puppies! But oh those seniors. They have knowing, soulful eyes. They look at their owners with such love and devotion… and let's face it, disgust if the promised treats aren’t appearing quickly enough!

Cute Bob the Pug - Cottrell & Co. - CC1_8998.jpg

If ever there was a time in your dog’s life to book a professional photography session it’s now. Their time with you is not promised forever and how special to have a beautiful portrait of your best friend to remember forever. 

Spanky Pug in Cap & Scarf - Cottrell & Co. - CC1_1401.jpg