

So, hopefully you have started to think about the many benefits of having a professional photographer capture your fur baby in all his or her glory. You might want to document a life stage or take some tender hospice pictures of your beloved pet, as we did recently. We have been asked many times how to prepare a dog for the big day? Great question!! 

The answers to the question of preparation will be different for everybody! First of all, before we get to the primping, it’s  super helpful to your photographer if your dog can follow a few simple commands. Especially if they will sit for a treat or a toy! It’s by no means a prerequisite as we obviously photograph puppies and less focused dogs with success  - it just makes it a little easier if our models will listen to one or two commands.  If they have sit and stay we are golden!!

On grooming. Does your dog typically get groomed? Just a bath or a full short back and sides?? Obviously if you have a breed like a Yorkshire Terrier or Maltese that looks great with a fresh cut then it’s a wonderful idea to schedule a grooming session before the big day. Whatever breed of dog you have we recommend a nice bath a couple of days before so their coats are shiny and healthy! It’s also a great idea to use a nose butter for a couple of weeks before as shiny, smooth healthy noses look great in photographs! 

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It’s a great idea to take into account where your shoot is going to take place before you plan a grand grooming session…. For example, if you have opted for slick studio shots then a full groom is appropriate. If, on the other hand you are planning to go to they beach or a big open space to get action shots or natural outdoorsy shots then, to be honest, spending hours grooming before hand is probably a waste of time.

Lastly, don’t forget a few tasteful accessories for some fun shots!! We love @mollyspawtique for bow ties and flower neck bands and @pupsofthunderwear for fabulous personalised bandanas! And of course, @blindbutnot for those winter hats and scarves. Using these dog accessories makes for some really cute shots!! Have fun preparing for your big day!

Chris Cottrell